Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Reflection on Game and Abortion

We talked about two topics today.
One was about game industry and the other was about abortion.

I think that shutdown law has many loopholes, so it should not be implemented for several reasons. Young gamers use their parental IDs to log in, so it is no use making such a law. Moreover, any kind of government intervention will affect huge loss in gaming market of Korea. Some prominent Korean game developers are turning their eyes to overseas market because of the strict regulations on game.

I think abortion should not be allowed for the following reasons.
Abortion is another form of murder. I believe that baby has its own dignity and life at conception. Legalizing abortion can lead to the idea that life is not so precious. What's more, abortion is bad for women's health and may leave repercussions on their life.

When I watched a video of my own, I moved a lot, so it was distracting.
My facial expressions were also so weird. I will try to be as calm as I can and speak clearly next time!