Friday, November 27, 2015

Featured Report: Shutdown Law

Hi! I just uploaded an article for next Tuesdays class. I hope you enjoy the class!

Class A
Week #14 Discussion Topic
Korea’s “Shutdown Law”

Study Article:
1. What kinds of games did you play in the past? (or are you playing now) Please share interesting game stories of your own.
2. Do you think the link between playing games and the reality is closely related?
3. If you were a CEO of NEXON, what kinds of games would you make to have a competitive edge in the market?
4. Do you think shutdown rule (which forces kids under the age of 16 to stop playing online games) is reasonable? Discuss your ideas with your classmates.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Reflection on Cat Lady

We talked about juvenile crime yesterday.
There are many people who argue that children should be protected even if they commit crime.
On the contrary, I think children should be punished fairly in accordance with their crime. Why do people always talk about the little children, not the victims?
Why do they forget about who really suffers the most?
Protecting children and keeping them in the small world only aggravates the situation.
Children, of course, are not fully mature, but they are taught not to hurt others from the very early stage of growth. I read a recent article that even children who committed a murder went to a jail for punishment in the U.S.

We should protect the people who were sacrificed by the perpetrators.
This is why I think children should not be forgiven because of their ages.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Reflection on terror

I express my deepest condolences to the people of France following the terrorist attacks in Paris. Violent extremism continues to happen across the world. Nothing can justify their violence. We need to find the root causes of the terrorism in order to mitigate the conflicts. Refugee issues remain, but many European countries enacted a law to restrict Syrian refugees. At the same time, dispatching ground forces will be another daunting challenge. In this sense, enhanced support and constant international cooperation are needed to address these problems and providing official development assistance should not be cut. Terrorism only hurts the citizen and must be stopped. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Reflection on voting ban

I believe prisoners should not be given the right to vote for several reasons.

First, we should focus more on the rights of the victims than prisoners.
The most basic rights should be secured to protect the most vulnerable people in our society. The prisoners already stripped of other people's precious rights.
It refutes the idea that voting ban infringes on the human rights of prisoners.

Second, too much money could be wasted
when the government allows voting for prisoners.
I think it is wasteful and the money should be used more wisely for education that promotes the ban of the second crime or protects the victims.

For above reasons, those who are in prison should not be allowed to vote for the sake of victims who suffered from their crime.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Reflection on Korean history textbooks

1. Is it wrong or right for a government to publish a history textbook?
It is wrong for a government to publish a history textbook because
such action is another kind of dictatorship and government-led policies can distort the history
and even exclude important historical figures from the textbook.

In addition, the government should listen to our voices and conduct a poll among
citizens for revising its contents. Pressing ahead with the plan is not fair in terms of
teaching the right history for our students.

2. Do you think the new history textbook is going to be made by balanced views?
It will be made with distorted views by arbitrary decisions of the Korean government.

3. Young students should learn about historical figures who fought for

our independence and those who suffered from the compulsory labor and sex slavery.
The government may change the contexts in the textbook, but it cannot change the history or the fact.